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Liability Insurance

Accidents happen. Today’s businesses are exposed to an ever-growing list of legal liabilities.


As increasing globalisation makes the world and legal systems more complex, so does the process of ensuring your liability policy is broad enough to pick up all of the legal liabilities you are potentially exposed to in the operation of your business.


Insure Taranaki can assist you in identifying and assessing your liability exposures, which could include:

  • Public Liability

  • Products Liability

  • Advertising Liabilities

  • Care, Custody & Control Exposures

  • Product Recalls

  • Faulty Workmanship & Product Guarantee

  • Directors & Officers Liability

  • Statutory Liabilities

  • Employment Practices Liability

  • Cyber Liabilities

  • Internet Liability

  • Pollution & Environmental Liability

  • Contractual Liability

  • Marine Liabilities

  • Information Technology Liabilities

  • Medical Liability

  • Professional Indemnity

Just as important as understanding what your business is covered for, is knowing what isn’t covered. That means asking questions.

Are you sure you are covered for all of your business activities? Or only some of them? Have you entered into contracts that have the potential of creating unintentional uninsured exposures? Are you covered for all of the legal jurisdictions that you operate in? What if you are importing or exporting products? Are you covered for liability arising out of your contractors and sub-contractors? Are the legal expenses of the claim inclusive or exclusive of the sum insured? Do you have an occurrence wording or a claim made wording and how does this impact on your business? Do you really know what all those exclusions on your policy wording mean?

These are all important questions and they’re all areas Insure Taranaki can assist with.

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